Rink Update – 2021-01-03

After a week of on-and-off work to build the ice surface because of the weather, Kingsmere Rink is ready for skating.

Thank you to the individuals that helped build our base-ice and shovel the first major snowfall yesterday!

If you skate, please be careful of 2 things:
1- this early in the season, the surface is not as flat as it will be in another couple of weeks, and it has air pockets that skate blades will break through.  Both of these things are normal at the beginning of every season, and having skaters on the ice is helpful in the process of improving the ice.

2- the northeast corner of the hockey rink has a tarp under it (to help with thawing later in the season), but the ice hasn’t been built up enough to properly cover it yet.  Please stay off this area.

Reminders to anyone using the rink:
– always close both gates to the hockey rink when you are the last to leave
– always shovel the rink surface before and after using it (skaters and hockey players must shovel if they want to use it)
– stay off the ice when the temperature is above freezing
– stay off the ice when the “Rink Closed” signs are out

All of the items above help expedite flooding to create a better ice surface.

Important and relevant messages from the City of Ottawa:

City of Ottawa message 1-

On Monday December 21st, the Government of Ontario announced a province-wide shutdown effective Saturday, December 26th. Additional public health measures include the closure of all indoor and outdoor sports and recreational facilities with limited exceptions until Saturday, January 23, 2021.

We have reviewed the operational impacts of this announcement on recreation services and can confirm that the outdoor rink program is permitted to proceed within the shutdown regulations. Details are available at https://files.ontario.ca/moh-provincewide-shutdown-en-2020-12-22.pdf.

Although outdoor skating is permitted, there are restrictions and requirements that must be adhered to:

1. Any person who enters or uses the [outdoor rink] maintains a physical distance of at least two metres from other persons using the [outdoor rink] (excluding members of the same household). Seasonal Recreation is in the process of updating signage for the rinks to ensure this information is prominently displayed for rink users.

2. Team sports, or other sports or games where people may come within two metres of each other, are not practiced or played within the [outdoor rink].
– This means that hockey and ringette are not permitted within the current restrictions. Goal nets will not be provided at rinks to support the implementation of this restriction.

3. Any locker rooms, change rooms, showers and clubhouses remain closed, except to the extent they provide access to equipment storage, a washroom or a portion of the amenity that is used to provide first aid.
– Skaters are required to change their skates outside.
– Where washrooms are available, anyone who is entering the building to use them must adhere to the City of Ottawa’s Mandatory Mask By-Law.
– The indoor space can also be used for first aid treatment, if there is a risk of frostbite, or if you are concerned about the cold weather affecting a participant at your rink. Again, the City of Ottawa Mandatory Mask By-Law must be followed.
– Indoor spaces should have high touch point areas cleaned frequently. This includes door-knobs and counter tops.

Public requests for ice time permits will continue to be forwarded to the rink operators. The restrictions for hockey or ringette apply to permit requests as well.

City of Ottawa message 2-

During the lockdown field houses/community buildings/trailers under your rink agreement can be open for bathroom use, first aid and if you are concerned about patrons suffering from frostbite. They are not to be used as change rooms or a gathering spot after rink use.

Anyone using the community buildings /field houses /trailers must wear a mask and fill out the contact tracing form.

Field houses, community buildings, trailers under the rink agreement cannot be left open unattended during the 20 hours of weekly supervision or at any point during the week.

Today – Jan. 3 – there are no volunteers signed up to open the fieldhouse. The fieldhouse is closed today. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Adam (kingsmererink@gmail.com or mobile 613-552-5615).

City of Ottawa message 3-

To help reduce the spread of COVID-19, masks are now mandatory around all public outdoor rinks in Ottawa. Skaters who are not from the same household must keep two metres apart on and off the ice. Masks are not mandatory while skating but are highly recommended.

This new mask requirement applies to the four refrigerated rinks currently open, including Rink of Dreams at City Hall, Lansdowne Park skating court, Ben Franklin Place and Jim Tubman Chevrolet Rink and will apply to all natural ice community rinks operated under City authority when they open.

Signs will be posted at City outdoor rinks that state masks are required within 15 metres of the ice and on the ice while not actively skating.

Volunteers who maintain the rinks are exempt from the mandatory mask requirement when carrying out maintenance on the rinks during periods of low use or closure. Should volunteers conduct maintenance duties within a group or team, each individual should wear a mask when 2-meter physical distancing is not possible.

Hall-o-Wise Winners!

Thank you to everyone who participated in our safe and socially-distant activities this Halloween season. The Alliance is pleased to announce the winners of the colouring and pumpkin carving/decorating contests.

The Greatest Glabar Gourds

1. Steve and Laura

2. Krista and Fernando Matias

3. Kate Pollon-MacLeod and Family

4. Mariana Neyens

Colouring Contest

Ages 0-5

#1 Eleas & Jasmine

#2 Abby

#3 Priyanka

#4 Davis

Ages 6-8

#1 Alicia

#2 Amand

#3 Madilyn

Ages 9 and Up

#1 Vanessa

#2 Lauren

#3 Ryan


Have some Hall-o-Wise fun

The Glabar Park Community Alliance is sponsoring some safe, socially-distant activities to celebrate Halloween.

Print and colour one of the following images, then scan or send a photo of your work to our esteemed panel of judges:

Our prize packs include items from LINDT chocolate, Kernels, DQ, EB Games and Chapters Indigo!

You can also take a photo of a pumpkin that you’ve carved or decorated and submit it for a chance to win great prizes:

  • 1st = $100 Gift Card from Colonnade Pizza
  • 2nd = $75 Gift Card from Pookies Thai
  • 3rd = Specialty Food Gift Bag from Pookies
  • 4th = $25 Gift Card from Colonnade Pizza

(Thanks to the kind folks at Colonnade Pizza and Pookies Thai!)

The deadlines to submit are:

  • Friday, October 30 by 9AM for the colouring contest.
  • Saturday, October 31 by 6pm for the pumpkin carving/decorating contest.

Winners will be announced here and on the Alliance and Glabarhood Facebook pages. Entrants must live in Glabar Park.

See the posters below for more details and contact glabargourds@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Join us for the virtual AGM

The Glabar Park Community Alliance is inviting you to join this year’s Annual General Meeting via Zoom. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 6, from 7pm to 9pm.

Here’s how to join:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 812 9630 9505
Passcode: 114822

Dial in numbers for Canada:
+1 778 907 2071

+1 204 272 7920

+1 438 809 7799

+1 587 328 1099

+1 647 374 4685

+1 647 558 0588

Meeting ID: 812 9630 9505
Passcode: 114822


Here is the agenda:

OCTOBER 06th, 2020

    1. President’s
    2. Treasurer’s
    3. Auditor’s report and appointment
    4. Traffic & Zoning
    5. Communication
    6. Recreation
    7. Rink
    8. Q&A
    • Executive: Treasurer, Secretary, Vice-President, President
    • Directors: max 10
    • Theresa Kavanagh (Bay Ward City Councillor)
    • Jeremy Roberts (MPP)

Financial Report

Glabar Park Financial Report 2019-20 (PDF)

Neighbourhood Watch coordinator needed

The local community police centre is looking for a volunteer to coordinate crime prevention initiatives in Glabar Park. The Neighbourhood Watch program encourages citizens to get to know their neighbours and to learn how to recognize and report suspicious individuals or activities.

Read the job description below and, if interested, please contact:
Cst. Jeff Kostuch, 1579
Ottawa Police Service
Community Safety Services
613-236-1222 ext.2347


Each Watch has a Coordinator who is responsible for the overall operation of the Watch. The Coordinator serves as the Watch’s contact with the Community Police Centre (CPC) and the Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators Association (NWCA) and is expected to perform the following tasks:

  • inform the Neighbourhood Watch Program Volunteer of any criminal activities reported with the Watch
  • organize general meetings of the Watch and meetings with the Block Captains as required
  • disseminate information on crime alerts, crime prevention tips etc. to the Watch via the Block Captains
  • recruit replacements for departing and/or retiring Watch Coordinators and Block Captains
  • attend meetings of the quarterly NWCA, or, if unable to attend, arrange for an alternate
  • promote Neighbourhood Watch within your community meetings
    maintain close contact with the NW Program Volunteer
  • provide updates to the CPC of the Watch membership list on an annual basis
    determine best location for Watch signage and initiate request

We thank Dorothy Young for her service as past coordinator of the Glabar Park Watch!