Kingsmere Rink – start of 2017-2018 season

The weather is getting close to perfect for rink building, and it’s very likely conditions will be right Tuesday and Wednesday.

We expect to be able to start building the rink this week. We are in need of volunteers to help build and maintain the ice, and to supervise the rink house when it is open to the community. If you are able to volunteer for either ice building/maintenance and/or supervision, please email us at

The initial ice building requires temperatures below -5C (-10C is better) and regular flooding with water in order to build the base. This flooding can occur at any time of day (morning, afternoon, evening), and we are in need of volunteers to flood the ice this week in order to get the rink up and running. Flooding involves taking a 1″ hose and spraying the entire area (both hockey rink and puddle rink) to saturation. Initially, each flooding will require 2-4 hours per flooding, and as a watertight area is created with surface ice, the time will reduce to 1-1.5 hours. Approximately 5-10 floodings are required to create the base before it can be skated on.

Please let us know if you are able to volunteer for this great community activity!

GPCA participation

Message from the GPCA (Sean – President, Adam – Vice President):
The Glabar Park Community Alliance is in jeopardy of being closed. Some members have left or reduced their time this year with plans to leave, and it is not surprising. The GPCA has been led this past decade by a core group of dedicated neighbours. We have all benefited and are grateful for their service to our community, and their service has been essential in making this neighbourhood such a friendly and welcoming place to live.
At the 2016 AGM, we said goodbye to our long-standing Treasurer, Bill Meyer, one of the last members of this core group and Trent Gray-Donald, who as President for 2 years had been a member of the Alliance for years prior as a Director. A new generation of Glabarites need to step in and lead this amazing community and regrow our GPCA.
We are proud of this neighbourhood and who we are as a community; yet Sean is stepping down as President this year. The work in building and maintaining the rink, the GPCA, writing the Gazette, devising new communication methods, and the planning and running of the Fun Days is being carried predominantly by the President and the Vice-President for the whole community. For years, this work had been distributed among a dozen people.
Adam plans on staying, but we need at least six GPCA members to maintain quorum at our meetings. Without quorum, there will be no Fun Days next year. We have been working on documenting business continuity and Sean will stay on in the position of Past-President (yes, that is an official position), so new members will have guidance in rebuilding our association.
Last year’s AGM was also poorly attended, which forced a Special General Meeting last February to ratify the election. As a community, it is vital we attend our one AGM in the Fall to place our combined approval on the dedicated work of this community association.
There are four Executive and ten Director positions. We have been lucky to have past Executive members return as Directors to keep this association functioning, but we need to find a dozen leaders in our neighbourhood now! The next AGM is scheduled for Tuesday, September 19th at the Seventh Day Adventist church, so please attend and volunteer your time. It takes little time if we have many shoulders to carry the weight.
Please use to communicate to your executive board and to ask us questions about joining the GPCA.

Fall 2017 Glabar Park Gazette

Find the Fall 2017 Glabar Park Community Alliance Gazette posted on the website. It contains information on our AGM, to be held Tuesday September 19, as well as Summer Fun Day info and the upcoming rink season.

Please note that we do not currently have volunteers to distribute the Gazette like we did in previous years. If you can volunteer to distribute the Gazette on your street (or more), please contact and we’ll coordinate getting printed versions of the Gazette in your hands. Thank you!

Fall 2017 Gazette