City of Ottawa – Planning Amendment

This post publicizes a City of Ottawa “Official Plan Amendment” that the GPCA wanted to share with our community.  Please find full details here:

Comments due date: September 30, 2019

Summary: This application amends the Official Plan to reduce the minimum proportion of single detached dwellings that are required as part of the housing mix provided in newly developing residential areas. The City has previously required a minimum of 45% of new dwellings to be ‘single detached dwellings’. This amendment will reduce the
minimum proportion to 30% of all new housing. The maximum proportion of housing that can be in the form of ‘single detached dwellings’ is not changed by this amendment.

Heritage Inventory Project – Update to flood-impacted wards

The GPCA received the following email from the City of Ottawa on May 23:

Dear Ward 7 – Bay Community Association,

In April 2019, as part of the Heritage Inventory Project, Heritage Services staff sent letters to owners of approximately 480 properties in wards 1, 5, 7 and 19 informing them that their properties were being proposed for addition to the City of Ottawa’s Heritage Register. A report to Built Heritage Sub-Committee was scheduled for June 11, 2019 to recommend that these and approximately 2100 additional properties in the remaining wards be added to the Register as non-designated listings.

In response to the major flooding occurring in and around the City of Ottawa, Heritage Services staff have been directed to remove properties in wards 1, 5, 7 and 19 from the June report to Built Heritage Sub-Committee. These properties will be recommended for addition to the Heritage Register in a report postponed until fall 2019.

The drop-in session scheduled for May 1 at the West Carleton Client Service Centre was cancelled due to ongoing flood relief efforts being undertaken by City staff. We sincerely apologize for the last-minute cancellation and apologize for any inconvenience it caused. Upcoming public information sessions and remaining drop-in sessions will proceed as scheduled, and property owners from all wards are welcome to attend. Staff are planning to offer additional public information and drop-in sessions in the fall for property owners in flood-impacted wards.

Feedback about the Heritage Inventory Project from property owners in flood-impacted wards has been recorded and will be addressed in the fall report. Heritage Services staff continue to welcome feedback from property owners in these wards.

Property owners in wards 1, 5, 7 and 19 will be notified by mail about the removal from the June 11 report to the Built Heritage Sub-Committee, and subsequently notified when a new report date is scheduled. Councillors in these wards will also be notified.

For more information:

•           Visit us online –
•           Email us –
•           Call us – 613-580-2463

Cass Sclauzero                    Avery Marshall                    
Built Heritage Researcher  Built Heritage Researcher
Heritage Services                Heritage Services

Notice: Rental Accommodations Study Website | Avis : Le page d’étude sur les logements locatifs

The GPCA received the following email from the City of Ottawa on May 22:

Dear Stakeholders,
The Public Policy Development Branch of Emergency and Protective Services is pleased to notify you of the launch of the public phase of the Rental Accommodations Study.
The City has launched a project webpage on
 with details of the Study and research findings to date.

The webpage includes three discussion streams:
– Rental Housing
– Short-Term Rentals (such as Airbnb and Flipkey)
– Student Housing and Shared Accommodations

In addition, the page includes resident surveys, research reports, details about public consultations and links to related City initiatives, such as the New Official PlanR4 Zoning Review and Housing Services programs.
We are hopeful that you will share this message with your members to ensure as broad participation as possible.
Additional consultations will be planned over the course of the year. We will also be accepting written submissions from community associations and will make our best effort to meet with groups to discuss the study.Please contact me at or 613-580-2424 ext. 13850 if you would like to discuss any aspect of the study.

Jerrod Riley
By-law Review Specialist | Spécialiste, Examen des règlements municipaux
Emergency and Protective Services / Services de protection et d’urgence
Tel / tél. : 613-580-2424, ext. / poste 13580

Listing Ward 7 properties on the Heritage Register

The GPCA received the following email from the City of Ottawa on April 11:

Dear Ward 7 – Bay Community Association,

In June 2019, a staff report will propose listing approximately 2500 properties on the City of Ottawa’s Heritage Register. 71 of these properties are located in Ward 7 – Bay. Heritage staff will contact impacted property owners through a mailed notification.

Some owners were sent a meeting postponement notice in 2018. All owners will receive a mailed notification that the meeting has been re-scheduled. Please refer to reference material attached.

Properties were identified through the Heritage Inventory Project. The inventory of Ward 7 – Bay is now complete. All wards were inventoried and the project is wrapping up.

Please note these important upcoming dates:

April 10, 2019                     Notice mailed to property owners

April 11, 2019                     Summary and timeline e-mailed to Community Associations

May 4, 2019                     Information Session at Shenkman Arts Centre, 2pm to 6pm

May 6, 2019                     Information Session at Kanata Recreation Complex, 4pm to 8pm

May 8, 2019                        Information Session at City Hall, Jean Pigott Place, 4pm to 8pm

June 11, 2019                     Report presented to Built Heritage Sub-Committee

June 26, 2019                     Report presented to City Council

The following Community Associations in Ward 7 – Bay will be contacted:

• Bayshore
• Belltown
• Britannia Village
• Carlingwood
• Crystal Bay
• Crystal Beach Lakeview
• Glabar Park
• Lincoln Heights-Parkway
• Queensway Terrace North
• Whitehaven
• Woodpark
• Woodroffe North

We would be pleased to meet with you should you have any questions about the project or staff report.


Cass Sclauzero and Avery Marshall
Built Heritage Researchers
Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue West

For awareness – recent suspicious activity in Glabar Park

At the request of a Glabar Park resident, here is a post from the Glabarhood Facebook page (copied here to increase visibility).

Just for consideration, here is a list of incidents in our ‘Hood for the past few weeks. This isn’t to scare, but to inform. Lists similar to this can be made most anywhere in Canada. Let’s stay informed and aware to help keep the growth of this list minimal.
2018-10-01 ~4pm Riddell B&E, Property Taken
2018-10-10 ~9pm Fairlawn Theft
2018-10-11 ~3am Benjamin Theft from Vehicle
2018-10-13 ~1am Riddell B&E, Property Taken
2018-10-13 ~3pm Riddell B&E, Property Taken
2018-10-16 ~11p Iroquois Theft of Vehicle
2018-10-22 ~5pm Fairlawn Personal theft
2018-10-26 ~9pm Esterlawn Theft from Vehicle
2018-10-26 ~8am Rex Ave B&E, Property Taken
2018-10-27 ~10p Maitland Theft from Vehicle
2018-10-31 ~4pm Woodroffe Westend B&E, Property taken

From Facebook Glabarhood reporting
2018-11-11 ~3am Kingsmere Theft from Vehicle
2018-11-12 ~10a Riddell B&E, Property Taken
. (prep Little guy about 130 lbs about 5′ 5″ in a black hoodie)
2018-11-05 ~9pm Mooney Testing house doors, no entry
2018-11-06 ~1pm Benjamin B&E, Property Taken
2018-11-06 ~7pm Aaron Mischief to Property (perps confronted)


From the Ottawa Police Twitter page: