Kingsmere Rink is Open!

We can officially open the rink at Kingsmere Park at 3pm today!

A lot of work has gone into creating the ice over the last 2 weeks. Thank you to all the community volunteers that came out.

We will be flooding both ice surfaces again starting around 7pm-8pm tonight.

Edit: the ice surface is a bit rough, so please be careful!

For awareness – recent suspicious activity in Glabar Park

At the request of a Glabar Park resident, here is a post from the Glabarhood Facebook page (copied here to increase visibility).

Just for consideration, here is a list of incidents in our ‘Hood for the past few weeks. This isn’t to scare, but to inform. Lists similar to this can be made most anywhere in Canada. Let’s stay informed and aware to help keep the growth of this list minimal.
2018-10-01 ~4pm Riddell B&E, Property Taken
2018-10-10 ~9pm Fairlawn Theft
2018-10-11 ~3am Benjamin Theft from Vehicle
2018-10-13 ~1am Riddell B&E, Property Taken
2018-10-13 ~3pm Riddell B&E, Property Taken
2018-10-16 ~11p Iroquois Theft of Vehicle
2018-10-22 ~5pm Fairlawn Personal theft
2018-10-26 ~9pm Esterlawn Theft from Vehicle
2018-10-26 ~8am Rex Ave B&E, Property Taken
2018-10-27 ~10p Maitland Theft from Vehicle
2018-10-31 ~4pm Woodroffe Westend B&E, Property taken

From Facebook Glabarhood reporting
2018-11-11 ~3am Kingsmere Theft from Vehicle
2018-11-12 ~10a Riddell B&E, Property Taken
. (prep Little guy about 130 lbs about 5′ 5″ in a black hoodie)
2018-11-05 ~9pm Mooney Testing house doors, no entry
2018-11-06 ~1pm Benjamin B&E, Property Taken
2018-11-06 ~7pm Aaron Mischief to Property (perps confronted)


From the Ottawa Police Twitter page:

Kingsmere Rink – Searching for Rink Operator

While we do have some volunteer interest in the ice maintenance work, the number of volunteers is insufficient to build and maintain the ice.  Therefore, we are looking for a rink operator.  If you know someone who might be interested in this seasonal position at Kingsmere Park, please get in touch with us at or contact Adam

Attached is the job posting.

Kingsmere Rink Operator – Job Posting_v1

Kingsmere Rink – 2018-2019 Volunteer signup

We need to gather information about who will be joining us to volunteer at the rink this winter at Kingsmere Park.

A description of the work involved in each role as well as my targets for the number of volunteers to make this a successful season can be found below, and a previous post with some additional information can be found here.

For 2018-19 we have introduced an online volunteer sign-up sheet. Please click the link next to the volunteer role you are interested in signing up for. In order to meet a City of Ottawa deadline for this year’s rink contract, we need confirmed volunteers by Friday October 26 2018.

Rink House SupervisorsCLICK HERE TO SIGN-UP
We are looking for supervisors who are available either on a weekly (W) or biweekly (B) basis. We have had difficulty covering shifts the last 3 years, so if you know someone who may be interested, please send them this webpage. For anyone interested, please sign-up using the link provided and fill-in the necessary information. We will follow-up once the shifts are confirmed.

The schedule we use for a typical week is:
Weekdays: one 3 hour shift from 6pm-9pm
Saturday: three 3 hour shifts starting at 11am
Sunday: three 2 hour shifts starting at 1pm

Rink Maintenance (includes ice building and flooding as well as clearing on heavy nights) – CLICK HERE TO SIGN-UP
This year we are endeavoring to make the Rink Maintenance more of a community effort. It is not sustainable for 2 individuals to take the bulk of the work again this year.
What we have decided to do is ask for 7 teams of 2 people to pick one day week and make it theirs! We have a snowblower at the park and we have lots of shovels. (Reminder that skaters are expected to clear snow if they use the ice so don’t be afraid to ask!)
Under normal circumstances we try to flood the rink 3-4 times/week once the base ice is built. This work usually starts at 9pm, when the rink house supervision ends, but it can happen during the day as well (hint for those retired people or shift-workers in the community).
We are looking for volunteers to commit to one day per week which would be their responsibility. If the weather is not cold enough for a flood then that is ok. If the volunteers are available during the day to do an additional flood that would be amazingly helpful as well. The more floods we can get on the ice in prime conditions, the better! This would really increase our ability to repair the ice and get it back in skating condition after severe weather events too.

Please sign-up using the links provided above.

Call or text Adam if you have questions – Adam’s cell: 613-552-5615.

Thank you!

Adam and Curtis