
The Board of the GPCA

The board of the Glabar Park Community Alliance has a President, a Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and up to 10 Directors.The GPCA is currently comprised of the following volunteer board members



Home Address

Past President Dave Morrow 970 Blythdale Road
President Bob Sladden 951 Blythdale Road
Vice-President Vacant
Secretary Michael Heenan 832 Riddell Ave
Treasurer Bill Meyer 813 Maplecrest Ave
Director Lynda Richardson 859 Rozel Ave
Director David Naylor 843 Aaron Ave
Director Guy Neyens 21 Esterlawn Priv
Director Trent Gray-Donald 952 Muskoka Ave
Director Ben Leikin 2178 Westbourne Ave
Director Vacant
Director Vacant
Director Vacant
Director Vacant